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John Romero's Daikatana

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Daikatana is a first-person shooter directed by id Software’s co-founder John Romero.

Plot and setting

The game is divided into four episodes each of which takes place in a different location: 25th century Japan, Norway in early Medieval, ancient Greece and San Francisco in 2030. The story revolves around Daikatana, a mysterious sword crafted in medieval Japan that lets its wielder travel through the time. The plot follows Hiro Miyamoto, famed swordmaster from Japan of the future. He finds out that the current ruler of the world used Daikatana to alter the history and conquer the world by controlling the cure from a fatal disease that struck humanity in 2030. The hero now must go back in time to fix the story and take Daikatana from the hands of evil.


The game consists of 24 levels. The gameplay shares many similarities with other first-person shooters in that era.
You have to complete a series of levels killing hordes of enemies and solving puzzles. In each of four episodes, you get new sets of weapons and new monsters to fight with. One of the most notable gameplay mechanics of Daikatana is that on the most level you have two sidekicks. The help you in battles, can wield different weapons and their health meter. If they die in a battle, the game is over. The player can issue seven commands to your companions such as attack, stay, get, come, back off, yes, no.

Game versions

The game got its Game Boy Color version the same year. It had drastically different gameplay more reminiscent of dungeon crawler and was only released in Europe.

Release date
Ion Storm
Prolific Publishing
Square Enix, Eidos Interactive, Sold Out, Acer, Sold Out Sales, Kotobuki Systems, Kotobuki System Co.
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for Nintendo 64

System requirements for PC

Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8, Pentium 4 1.8 GHz, 512MB RAM (1 GB recommended), 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0, 1 GB HDD, Mouse, Keyboard.
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Last Modified: Jan 18, 2025

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Director, Designer
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John Romero's Daikatana reviews and comments

John really shit the bed here. From the moment you start it, Daikatana is an unpleasant experience. The opening "story" cutscene is almost 10 minutes of cheesy, quasi-japanese nonsense, after which you finally get the displeasure of playing the game. The starting area is a swamp, full of toxic flies and toads. Not only are these some of the least interesting combat opponents I can think of, but their sound effects are some of the most irritating I've ever encountered. Especially with the flies, you'll need to constantly run away and shoot intermittently, a strategy which involves significant backtracking. This leads to easily the worst element of the game: load times. EVERYTHING in this game needs to load. If you cross too much of the map, you'll trigger a load. If you cross one step over that line again, you'll start loading back to where you were. In fighting one fly, I triggered 4 loading screens. That, like the rest of the game, is just unplayable. 
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