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Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines

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The first game in the Commandos series.
The action takes place during WW2. The player commands a detachment of saboteurs.
The game offers twenty missions. In each mission you need to perform several tasks - destroy the bridge, headquarters, military equipment, enemy commander, save someone from captivity. Different weapons are used for different tasks. Sometimes it is necessary to use pre-captured enemy equipment, including tanks and a submarine. Locations are diverse: Norway, Germany, France, Libya, Tunisia and others.
The group acts in the deep rear of the enemy. This means that the number of enemies is always much greater than the number of our soldiers and we have to act secretly. To let the enemy find us means to fail the mission and doom the squad to perish.
The group includes fighters who can do a lot of things: climb walls, control land and sea transport, shoot sniper weapons, fight with harpoon, use mines and syringes with poison.

Release date
Pyro Studios
Merge Games
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PC

Minimum: IBM PC or 100% compatible, Windows 9X/ME, Pentium II 300 MHz (or equivalent), 64 MB RAM, 100% DirectX® 8 compatible 3D Accelerator card with at least 12 MB VRAM, 100% DirectX® 8 compatible (or higher) Sound card, DirectX® 8 (DirectX 8.0a included), 2 GB uncompressed hard drive space, 100% Windows 95/98 compatible Keyboard and Mouse
Recommended: Pentium II 450 MHz, Windows 98SE/ME, 128 MB RAM, 100% DirectX® 8 compatible 3D Accelerator card with 32 MB VRAM, 3 GB uncompressed hard drive space
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Last Modified: Feb 13, 2025

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Commandos Behind Enemy Lines (PC) Mission 1
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Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines -- Mission 4: Restore Pride
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Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines 1
DAAAAmn Hard mission - part 1
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Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
"YES SIR, I VOOOOOOOY SIR, OKI DOKI, AHOOOOOORA HIMSELF, ' TO ' STA MADE CHIEF!!!!" Work of Art of the Spanish industry, it is a shame that there are few games of this style, a strategy of infiltration very entertaining and not going out of fashion! I will have passed this game as about 15 times and now that I saw on steam for 2 euros... Well, you had to go for 16.
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Microsoft from Spain
Commandos 1 is without a doubt a PC classic and one of the best Spanish games in history. Your variety of quests and the diversity of ways you can perform is incredible. In Addition Unlike others in the same saga, each character has specific skills and there is no possibility of putting them on automatic shooting as in "Commandos 2". For These reasons the game is a bit complex when it comes to solving each mission but, in my opiñón, that makes it more fun. Finally mention the soundtrack and the legendary and spectacular dubbing of the game in Castilian that unfortunately you have to ingeniarselas on steam to put it. FINAL NOTE: 10 Juegazo.
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Microsoft from Spain
Of The Primeritos games I tried in my life, I loved when I saw him, hallucinated with every soldier he saw and even felt that he learned history of the Second world War with the introduction of each mission. This game and MOHAA were the games that made me fascinated by the games of World War II. As a pro: Everything I said earlier, this game was a pioneer of the genre "Commandos Like". Cons:-Tested on Windows 10 This game with frames limit. -Only in English but there is a guide on steam where you can download the pack of voices and texts in Spanish. It Is A shame to do this, taking into account that it is a game developed by Spaniards. Not counting the cons, I recommend especially for the hours and hours of entertainment that gave me in the past and now also gives me.
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Microsoft from Spain
What happens when Mr. Stealth knows the strategy lady and decides to have children? This unique saga Was engendered, as a result of a national denomination of origin study (of the best of the time). The degree of difficulty is focused on a not so casual audience that is required a minimum of skills and knowledge of the management of limited tools in strategy games in microenvironments, although once you know the different functions of the game (which go Gradually changing throughout the twenty missions, mechanics can be understood based on more or less repetitive patterns. However, raise your hand who has passed it. Confront me again this game and get fun has been like beating a ghost of my childhood to which I had kept. Although I have missed the dubbing in Castilian, far superior to English in the emphasis of speech both of the commands and the instructor. I Also have left the bug to try the multiplayer mode, which although is focused on local networks, I guess there should be some way to connect online. From the chest of memories with love.
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