QUAKE Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity
Your journey has led you down a path of no return. The acrid smell of death fills the air. And you know the road ahead may lead to your grave. But Quake, with his insidious, apocalyptic plans, must be crushed. If you fail, evil will shroud the universe for all eternity.
System requirements for PC
Minimum: A 100% Windows 2000/XP/Vista-compatible computer system
Last Modified: Dec 8, 2024
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QUAKE Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity reviews and comments
Gameplay 9/10. Graphics 9/10. Soundtrack 9/10. Storyline 5/10. OVERALL 8.0/10.0 (A 8.0)
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
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Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Unfortunately I can not recommend to buy in a steam this addon, only for the reason that it absolutely zabadgovno. For Example, Shambler did not appear at the end of a level where there was a pentogram on the floor, which made it impossible to continue the passage. I Had to replay the level first. Then Another bug was, I just do not remember, but also because of him had to pass the level first. It's a shame to waste time. Therefore, the minus...
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Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
Dissolution of Eternity often sins reskinami weapons, monsters. If Some of the weapons is somehow explained by the mole additional varieties of cartridges then Molnemet abruptly began to burn plasma charges caused me bewilderment. After all, the plasma gun is a full-fledged weapon that has even its own munition.
Ghost by the way by his habits reminded me of a ghost from Hexen 1, but he was skalturor he does not have his own attack, and uses shells Vore. Frustrated and the final boss, who does not have his AI and moves along a predetermined trajectory as a target in the dash.
In General I am disappointed with the purchase of Dissolution of Eternity and before that many innovations made by Rogue Entertainment more spoil the original gameplay Quake 1 than develop it.
Still good enough to come out here only levels, so take it only if you want to play the map pack. The stated additional episode with new quality content is not to be counted here, but would like.
Bottom Line: Gameplay 11/12, music 9/12, Plot 4/12.
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Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
I Go to myself, pass the level, nobody... Oh Yes, I touch everyone (And even tear into pieces) and suddenly the bass! Under Me the hatch opens, I fall in what that cellar to a zombie horde and the game to me still speaks-"Join better to them.".
In any case, Dissolution of eternity definitely deserves attention as it is still the same first one. Added again a little new weapons-lava nails for nail and machine gun, multi-projectiles for grenade launcher and rocket launcher and a new mode of firing for electric guns, kstat, on the principle of action remotely resembles all known BFG.
Monsters-Such interesting instances, as in the same Scourge of Armagon was not, but zverinets still replenished with interesting copies. Egyptian priests, some sorcerers, ogres, by the way, also received personnel multi-grenade launchers, which were annoying.
To be honest, the minus is-some nutiality levels and only one thought was in my head closer to the final-"Finish!". But in any case, if you like the first Kweik, then this supplement you, too, is likely to love.
7 out of 10.
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