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Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation

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Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation is an action-adventure game developed by Core Design. It is the fourth game in the Tomb Raider series.


Young Lara Croft who is accompanied by professor Werner Von Croy goes to Cambodia to find a mysterious artifact known as Iris. Unfortunately, due to an accident, the professor dies and Lara has to return to Great Britain. 15 years later, Lara opens up an Egyptian tomb where an ancient Egyptian god Set was buried. She incidentally awakens an old god, so now Lara has to get him back to the tomb to prevent the Apocalypse from happening.


The main gameplay formula of Tomb Raider is largely the same. The players have to explore the levels in order to find certain items. In their search, the players have to avoid and fight enemies and use aerobatics to progress further into the level.

However, compared to the last game, The Last Revelation features some major gameplay changes. Now Lara can swing on ropes to get over gaps and pits, she can use pipes to climb up the buildings, and shimmy on ledges. Instead of using the old circular inventory system, it is now linear, where all the items in your inventory are placed in a horizontal line. The players can now utilize a compass, yet it is only used for putting in cheat codes or solving a puzzle on one of the game's levels. The items in your inventory can be combined together.

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
  • Processor:1.8 GHz Processor
  • Memory:512 MB RAM
  • Graphics:3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 7
  • DirectX®:9.0
  • Hard Drive:2 GB HD space

System requirements for Dreamcast

System requirements for Classic Macintosh

System requirements for PlayStation

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Last Modified: Jan 11, 2025

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Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation reviews and comments

This first run of Tomb Raider games was so great.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game is good. We are back with Lara Croft, this time (again) in Ancient Egypt, which I think is the classic Place of longing Of a Grave Robber. And Lara does us the Favor: Tomb predators. As for the Design and Gameplay of the Game, it's a slight Evolution of the Series begun with TR I, TR II and TR III. The Story is quite well done and told very nicely with the Help of Cutscenes. It is sweet that we play the (mandatorial) tutorial level as a childish Lara (in a childlike Voice), which is learned by her Mentor Werner von Croy. As harmonious, so much can be betrayed, the Relationship will not remain. This time, Lara started new Types of Enemies on her Quest, namely heavy, unusual or unconquerable. For me, some of them (the first Time) were a real Challenge, E.g. Knights, Skeletons, Ghosts. In any case, they are an Enrichment of the Repertoire. The Puzzles were again light to heavy, and this time I had the Impression that I had many serious Puzzles in front of me, at least at The first play through. I was sometimes frustrated and reached for the Walkthrough. One will probably at least have to reckon with the fact that one often simply does not have a Plan, where one should probably go at the moment in the often extensive levels, which this time are even partly non-linear. I would have liked to have liked to see one or the other additional Note. The first Time I needed suitably smooth 45h. The second Game it went down clearly brisk from, was more Fun and accordingly I found the Game pretty good. Anyway, it's a very extensive Game. Non-linearity has also fallen victim to statistics at the End of Each Level, which I think is a pity. After All, you can always look at an Overall Statistic In the Package menu. Graphically, it's roughly at the Level of TR III. The Inventory is markedly different. So you can (and must) combine some Objects. Some Weapons now have a target telescope laser light, which is sometimes also bitterly needed. What not only I stumbled across for a While is that you don't leave the Game over the Inventory (Esc) anymore, but over Pause (P). The Controls are still with Keyboard. Old Fashioned but good. Almost. Getting The Jump from Rope to Rope was quite a Test Of Patience for me. I had no Trouble playing the Game on Windows 10. But for technical Reasons, it now has a Window frame that you kind of Try to ignore. At an 18-year-old Game, I find that cleverable. Fortunately, the Window frame even does not obscuraken anything from THE HUD. Pro & Contra: + Meist Good Puzzles + Good Story o The Graphics are outdated but still good o The Sound is so OK-Some Puzzles are very time consuming or difficult-Swinging from rope to Rope seemed to me Not to work Well rating: 8/10 A good, although old tomb raid The game whose Puzzles are sometimes very serious. If that doesn't put you off, it's a very good Adventure.
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