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Tomb Raider: Underworld

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Tomb Raider: Underworld is an action game developed by Crystal Dynamics. It is the eighth installment in the series.

Underworld continues the story of Tomb Raider: Legend and Tomb Raider: Anniversary. Lara tries to unravel the secrets told in the ancient Scandinavian legends in order to find Avalon - a place where her mother disappeared years ago.

TR: Underworld is played from a third-person perspective. The game features a very interactive world. Lara leaves footprints in the snow, mud sticks to her legs if she kneels and could be later washed away with rain, the damage done to the environment is permanent and enemies' bodies do not disappear. A dynamic animation system is present in the game which allows for more character interaction with the world.

The developers put a strong emphasis on the fact that Lara is able to do anything that the players expect from her from grabbing a ledge to using her grappling hook to pull objects.

The game is non-linear to some degree as multiple mini-puzzles are present on several levels.

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for Wii

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

  • Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP (admin rights required)/Microsoft Windows Vista (admin rights required)
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3+GHz or AMD Athlon 2.5+GHz
  • Memory: 1GB (Windows XP) / 2GB (Windows Vista) system memory
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6 series 6800GT (or better) / ATI 1800XT (or better)
  • Sound Card: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers
  • Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Free Space
  • Supported OS: Microsoft Windows XP (admin rights required)/Microsoft Windows Vista (admin rights required)
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or Athlon 64 X2 4400+
  • Memory: 2 GB system memory
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX or ATI HD4800
  • Sound Card: Direct X 9.0c compatible sound card and drivers
  • Hard Drive Space: 8 GB Free Space
  • Controller: Microsoft Xbox360 Controller

System requirements for Nintendo DS

System requirements for PlayStation 3

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Last Modified: Mar 27, 2025

Where to buy

App Store
PlayStation Store
Nintendo Store
Xbox 360 Store

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Tomb Raider Underworld Walkthrough : Complete Game 【HD】
Jun 5, 2016
Leon Kid
Tomb Raider: Underworld - Full ending (Alternate ending + Beneath the Ashes + Lara's Shadow)
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PC - Tomb Raider: Underworld - LongPlay [4K:60FPS]🔴
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Refinery Speed Run
Completed a timed speed run from the first slope in the Refinery to the back platform
Right of Passage
After destroying the Transformer, beaten a timed speed run through the unstable passage
Master Reward Hunter
Hidden Relic and all Treasures in Lara's Shadow found
Treasure Hunter
All Treasures in Lara's Shadow found
Master Collector
Hidden Relic and all Treasures in Beneath the Ashes Found
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allydecat's Channel Trailer
SOLID POOPS ARE MY HERO || !twitter !discord !wishlist
Tomb Raider: Underworld || First Playthrough || Final
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Tomb Raider: Underworld reviews and comments

Fun setpieces and cool levels
The last of the great old school Tomb Raiders.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Tomb Raider Underworld This Game I've played through for sure over 10 times and have to tell me still keeps it. The Graphics are very beautiful. Lara herself also looks very good. The Game is the continuation of TR. Legend and Anniversary. In the Game, Amanda appears from the Legend section and Natla from Anniversary. Many have written that when you take the Dice in the Game and put on a Record that Glitches around and fly somewhere else again. But!! I have to say no to me Glitches dise Cubes NOT around!!! That's Why those who wrote this are supposed to rain off and they're supposed to Reinstall the Game they're supposed to Uninstall. Graphic: 10/10 Story: 8/10 Glitches: None At the time!!! Weapons: When you press the Tabulator You get into the Inventory where you gun the Shotgun Machines Pistols Assurty Rifle Poison gun and the Harpoon can equip. And believe me that's not OP.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I do NOT recommend buying this Game on Steam. ;) I don't know if it's generally a Patch that was played here but the Game was partly botherly bugbeg. I recommend in advance: Buy it at GoG or somewhere on EBay with original CD. To the Game: Tomb Raider: Underworld continues to tell the Story from Legend. It is nice that one is not left in the Dark after Legend what has actually happened to the Mother of Miss Croft. This Game can keep up graphically with current Titles and has aged very well in my Opinion. The Story is well told (further) and, Unlike its Predecessor (Legend, not Anniversary) a little less "Action Movie, explosions over 9000" moderation. The Level Design tends to End, at least in terms of Gears and Structures, unfortunately slightly towards the "copy 'n paste," which makes this look a bit Monotonous, but rest assured: It's worth it! I had one or the other Glitch/Bug during the Game and not quite as great a moment, which my Foreword should explain. But if you can look past it (and then want to pull it off) it will survive that too ... The same as I did at the end of the year. :D Here are three Snippets, from my Stream, on Twitch.tv/d3thw0lf, that would speak against buying on Steam (in hindsight):P-Https://clips.twitch.tv/WisePhilanthropicHerbsNerfBlueBlaster-https://clips.twitch.tv/MiniatureFunnySwallowNomNom-https://clips.twitch.tv/ObedientSecretiveDelicataRuleFive PS: Thanks to the Developers for their hard Work, honestly! If you want to risk the Glitches (if necessary), you can also invest the 8.99EUR here. I just want to warn you that it might not just be up to me. (In any case, I hope ^^)
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