Average Playtime: 4 hours

Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry

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Assassin’s Creed Freedom Cry is a standalone expansion for Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag and set 12 years after its events. The game introduces a brand new character - a pirate called Adéwalé who joins the Order of Assassins in order to stop slavery in Haiti. He confronts the local government and starts to sabotage their actions.

Freedom Cry, like the original game, is a pirate-themed title with an accent on sea battles. The story is split into nine missions. You can explore an open-world sea map and attack ships to set slaves free. The ship development system and the amount of weaponry are reduced compared to Black Flag. The game also features land missions and side quests that allow you to upgrade your character and get additional bonuses. You even can recruit unchained slaves to your crew so they will help you in battles.

Freedom Cry follows the traditions of the series and combines stealth elements, used mostly during city missions with open combat. You have several weapon types including swords, guns and throwing knives to distract enemies.

Release date
Ubisoft Montreal
Ubisoft Entertainment
Age rating
17+ Mature

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Last Modified: Mar 26, 2025

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Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry reviews and comments

Roaming around as Adewale and freeing slaves makes for a good gameplay loop. The soundtrack in this DLC is superb and the length is nice enough to not overstay its welcome
«OST on repeat»
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
Black Lives Matter 👍
This is a case where RAWG's rating system has failed me. I wouldn't exactly recommend this to everyone, but I had a good time playing it. Feels like a mashup of the content of AC3, AC Liberation, and AC4 and plays well as a short DLCish interlude if you happen to be playing through the series. I certainly wouldn't tell you to go out of your way to play it if you aren't a completionist, though.
One of my favorite things about the Assassin's Creed series, is that it tackles controversial historical moments and does not pull any punches. This is a prime example of that. Personally, I think this is up there with some of my favorite moments in any game ever (the slave shipwreck sequence holy crap). Gameplay wise, it is pretty similar to the main Black Flag game, with some added elements. It is definitely stripped down from the main game, this is a DLC after all, but it still feels like a complete game. The story does not feel rushed either and is fairly complex, with good character development. While I would say someone who isn't heavily invested in the AC series might be a bit lost in this game, I would say this is a must-play for anyone who is a fan of the series.
«Blew my mind»
Very short, but sweet. Adewale is great and the OST is really good
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I can only Recommend it to limited. Because the Story is rather boring and the Control with Keyboard and Mouse was in need of courtesy for me because I played bissher only on the PS3 AC. But for that the Graphics Are very much, the naval Battles are Fun and the Game world is beautiful but smaller Than WITH AC4 and there are no Big cities. I Recommend it for AC Fans, People because AC 4 has liked and if it's Reduced for everyone.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Nice Pastime AC Freedom Cry was a nice Pastime for a few Hours. You play as Adewalè, because Quartermaster of Edward From Black Flag, gets a little new World and frees slaves. This is how the Story is already explained. In the Game, the Free Of this is the Main Task, slave Ships are captured, Slaves are freed from Plantations, Slaves are beaten from Sales Stalls freely bought/. For this, you get better Equipment on an ongoing basis. It should be noted that the Adewalé is unlike that Edward fights with a Machete and Shotgun. Verdict: A nice Pastime, however, a little too expensive.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
If the Game is to be had in a Sale for under 5 Euros, I would say that it is a nice Addition to Black Flag, but 15 Euros I just find too much. For me Black Flag was one of the weakest Parts, I found the Story tangled up and meaningfully, that Continues in Freedom Cry. In Part, you are told that Fulfilling the given mission has no Use for the Overall Situation of People in the Game world, but the Game leaves you in the End but as if it had been the Solution to all Evil. In Principle, you play an ill-considered revenge Campaign in an Aquarium (the Game world is very small). In 3 Hours you are relaxed with the Main Story through. But I would like to mention one positive Thing: There are no Sections of the game in the Present. Hallelujah!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry is, as many say, Small-format Black Flag. The good Game Mechanics, as well as the good Graphics have been taken over, also the Protagonist (which I think is quite annoying) is known from Blag Flag. But If you refrains from Mechanics and Graphics, I Think it's the worst Assassin's Creed so far. The Plot is not exciting at all, you are forced into boring Side missions to continue playing the Main Story, which is only ~ 10 Missions long and can be played through easily in five Hours. Luckily. The only good Innovation is the Thunder's box, which offers a nice Change from the other Weapons. But that's what it's already. Overall, this game doesn't offer anything that could make it worth playing. If you really want to look at it, please only buy in the Sale.
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