Overclocked (itch) (Escada Games)
Play as an old robot with missing and unstable parts in search of a new energy core.
A very short game made for the Godot Wild Jam #49. The theme, Unstable, was added in the form of the player character's condition (who has an unstable core), and also on the risk that comes with overclocking, the main method of attacking.
This one was quite difficult to make! But I'm quite satisfied with the result as well, specially the menus and the spritework.
Inspirations: Megaman Battle Network, Super Crate Box, Vampire Survivors.
CreditsThis time I did basically everything haha, but shout-outs to Sucraiso, that gave feedback and helped with the mechanics and design.
Software used:
- Godot Engine v3.5 Stable Official;
- Audacity v2.4.1;
- Deflemask v0.12.1, module YM2151;
- LibreSprite v1.0-dev;
- LabChirp v1.60;
- Screen To Gif 2.31;
- GIMP v2.10.32.