OverDente is a serious game developed for "Game Development II" and "Integrated Game Project II" classes in UFN. Our objetive was create a game which the students of Dentistry could be able to practice their knowledge about "removable partial dentures". We, inspired by OverCooked!, decided to make a couch coop multiplayer game, where the players must set up this dentures using the right teeth and the right hook in each case.
##This game could be very hard if you are not a Dentistry Student, but feel free to try and tell us what you think about our game! :)
Softwares used:
Engine: Unity
Coding: Visual Studio (C#)
Art: MagicaVoxel, Procreate, Photoshop
Music: Garage Band
Sound Effects: Audacity
Font: Arista Pro (https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/arista-pro)