Join Aviena and Borbu on their journey to Harmonia in this adorable interactive narrative with a roguelike twist.
Set in the pages of a book and played through whimsical illustrations, you choose how Aviena and Borbu will tackle their challenges! Aviena and Borbu gain modifiers based on your choices, and those modifiers help you in the minigames that follow. If you succeed or fail, your path branches on your journey to Harmonia.
Epic Megajam 2021
The game was made in 7 days for the Epic Megajam 2021, with the theme “Running out of space”.
Running Out of SpaceThis game tackles the theme in two ways; the narrative and the reoccurring mechanic.
After you make your choice and the minigame begins, the page slowly fills with the words of the story – giving you less and less space to complete your task, akin to a battle royale arena.
Play pageturner with your keyboard using WASD and SPACE.
Credits Gameplay Design
Cari Watterton & Scott Simpson
Gameplay ProgrammingScott Simpson
UI Art, Design & Code:Cari Watterton
Narration & WritingJames Gardner
Music & Sound EffectsWe Love Indies (sponsor of Epic Megajam)
Special Thanks:
James Clayton for Tech Support!
Aviena & Borbu Character Concepts