Pants, Fire, Anvil
What the heck is this game?
Pants, Fire, Anvil is a parody of Rock, Paper, Scissors, except all of the chance has been removed. Both sides have EVERYTHING in play at once and it's up to you to outmaneuver your opponent and beat the level.
How do I play?
This is a puzzle game in which the player controls Pants, Fire, and Anvil. Pants moves first, followed by Fire, then Anvil, before repeating the cycle. Pants wants to cover the enemy anvil, Fire wants to roast the enemy pants, and Anvil wants to crush the enemy fire. Remember, your opponent can do the same to you, so be careful to not get covered/roasted/crushed yourself. A piece is removed from play when it shares the same tile as the piece that would eliminate it. You win once you have eliminated all enemy characters and you lose when even one of your characters is captured.