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Panzer Strategy

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Panzer Strategy is a historical wargame where like in re­al life you can adapt your units to any objective using equipments and skills. Moreover you can make your tactics even more flexible with skills and abilities of your HQ and the HQ Commander. And all of these combined with Unreal En­gine with the free camera mode allow you to ch­eck the whole scene fr­om the aerial view or fa­ll deep into act­ion with the close-up fu­nction!

Game features:

Comman­der of your HQ. Before you start the campaign you will choose Commander of your HQ. Сommander defines some HQ's abi­lities, bonuses and even side quests som­etimes. HQ Commander will build his care­er as you win the mi­ssion. He will recei­ve new ranks, milita­ry awards and improv­e the skills and bo­nuses of your HQ.

Headquarters. The Headquarters is a special unit that gives different bonus­es to the allied tro­ops. Also the Headqu­arters have general abilities and give some additional skills to the allied unit­s. However if the Headquart­ers are destroyed a player will get a penalty lasting till the end of the mission. Al­so the Headquarters can be captured.

The Headquarters rec­eive experience for victory. Experience points can be spent for the new headquarters abilities or upgrade of the existing ones.

Attachments and skills. We want to make a ga­me with the deep and fle­xible strategy that allows a player to build his personal st­yle of gameplaying. Units' upgrading and tuning are very important to reach that goal.

As in real life units become stronger as they get war ex­perience. They open additional skills th­at increase their po­wer.

Moreover a unit can use a specific "attachments" that can change its tactical role greatly. For instance, a tank unit can use the attachment "the Sappers" that allows it to demine the minefields by itself.

Also a player wi­ll be able to attach a Hero to some units to make his own sets of unique skill­s. So these elements make you feel really in charge of your army.

The most realistic logistic. A unit has its own reserve of ammo, fuel and so on. It must replenish it though. The supply is literally a vehicle with ammo and fuel that is passing from a supply depot to the unit. If this truck is destroyed the unit will not receive any ammo and won't have the possibility to attack. Moreover supplying depots are joined to the net by roads. If a road is cut by the enemy certain depots' reserves will end and units will not be able to replenish ammo and fuel. When units run out of ammo and fuel their efficiency drops to zero. So supply lines are extremely important in Panzer Strategy as well as maneuvering.

Build your supply system, maneuver to cut the enemy supply lines in order to exhaust him and destroy.

One of our primary objective is to let a player try himself in the role of the Second World War Commander. So we have made realistic maps corresponding to the historical theatre of military operations.

We use the maximal potential of Unreal Engine to make live full 3D maps. Relief, weather, time of the day, destroyable objects: everything does matter. With the free camera mode you can check all the smallest details of historically accurate 3D models.

Panzer Strategy allows you to build your own, personal, unique style of the playing. It has one of the most flexible gameplay for the genre.

Fight as did the best WWII Commanders!
Join epic historical battles in Panzer Strategy - a new wargame on Unreal Engine!

Best regards,
Panzer Strategy Team
Release date
Starni Games
Starni Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
  • Processor: Dual-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz or faster
  • Memory: 4 MB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or Radeon HD2900 series card or better
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Sound Card: Onboard
  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
  • Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz or faster
  • Memory: 8 MB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD RX 470 or Nvidia GTX 1050 or better
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 10 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Onboard
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Panzer Strategy reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Tank Strategy is a good turn-based WWII strategy game. One plays (unfortunately only ...) a predetermined Kampania trail on the German Side, which begins (Tutorial) in Spain (Legion Condor) and ends via Poland, France, England in Russia. Unfortunately, the Cards themselves are ineligible. In the Beginning, you can decide which Commander you want for the Campaign (HQ unit with unlockable Properties). I was quite amazed when I saw the first Command edition as a Cutscenes and Adolf Hitler personally made it. I Hadn't seen it like that (Matter of taste ...) In the Kampania window you can see the next Order and then use command points to buy its Core Units, update them, equip, reinforce or reinforce them with acquired Heroes. How to get the Heroes can be read in the Community (it's not easy But they're real Mega). After a quick look at what the General of the Tank troops Heinz Guderian Thinks of the upcoming Campaign (interesting Opinions can be read), we start. Before the Seating Phase, the Objectives, Difficulties or Peculiarities of the Mission are elucidated. Then off we go! You have to place your Units in the Fields released for this purpose (Good is that you can still buy Units or reequip them at this Stage. Great if you realize now that you need more Infantry for the House Fights). The Number Of Lap is divided into 3 Sections (Usually 2 Rounds Difference) for Gold, Silver and degree still managed. It often gets scarce, but I have always got it to my Satisfaction. However, with shy action (2 Fields off Ari and Air Defense behind it and Waiting for the Enemy to get your Teeth out) you don't get to the Destination. You lose few Units, but you don't reach your Goal, mh. The Units are well animated and the Map is zoomable. Automatic Zooming Can be dislocated if you want. I left it because it's all Cool when the Tiger breaks through the Forest and the Opponent gets big Eyes:-) Anyone expecting a Unit Range as in other WWII games (PanzerCorps, etc.) may be mistaken. For some Types of Weapons, such as the Infantry, the complete Kampanie, only 3 different Units are Available (Pioneers, Paratroopers and "Regular"). The Guarding properties were well implemented. Anti-tank Defense, Ari or Air Defense fights rigorous Enemies and that also across several Fields. The Combat Distances of the Units are appropriate and more real than in some other Games. In order to ensure the Supply of the advancing Units, You have to conquer Depots, Stations, Airfields or Hubs. If you don't look at staying on it, the beautiful strong Tigers lie quite lonely on an open Surface. You can prevent this a little bit if you equip The Units with Additional Fuel or Ammunition, but you are far from reaching across the Map. The AI, of course, as in many comparable Games, is far behind a human Opponent, but doesn't play badly. The air Defense in particular is fierce and if you have the Battle Field in front of a not sufficiently hardened, the Stukkas experience some bad Day. The AI is going to Weak Points. For example, if the Infantry advances on its own. Attacking Courageously doesn't necessarily mean dying stupid or ... If you have enough Command points, you can of course buy new Units again and again, but unfortunately they don't have any Combat Experience. Once you have managed the Map in the desired Number Of Laps, the Combat Evaluation comes. Then rearm again and off you go to the next Lightning Victory. Unfortunately, no Workshop has yet been planned and that I personally find a great pity. I am sure that this would be a Pleasure for all Modders of these Games (E.g. DMP or similar). The Price is absolutely OK. Bought it in the winter sale and did not regret it. I Would be happy if new Campania came or Maps could be played individually. I hope I was able to give You an Impression about the Game! Have Fun, Happy New Year and Happy GLÜCK AB!
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