paper asteroids [experimental]

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Prompt: Make an experimental variant of the classic arcade game Asteroid.

Based off of:



✔    Tweak the ship controls to make them more “tight” and less prone to inertia like in this implementation 

✔    Make it so you can shoot by holding the button down but limit the rate of bullets so it doesn’t get too easy (Shoot with mouse or space).

✔    The game currently has a bug: the asteroids only split once instead of going through big, medium, and small sizes. Fix it (it just needs one inspector tweak). 

✔    Reskin the game by replacing graphics, font, animations, effects, and sounds. Come up with a visually consistent style/theme, eg: claymation, insects, pencil drawn etc…

✔    Implement a different kind of bullet that changes the asteroids clearing dynamic (Use new laser by pressing X).

✔ ✘  [HALF DONE] Implement a shield triggered by the “down” input that makes the ship invulnerable and able to destroy asteroids on contact. The shield has an energy that runs out in 2 seconds and takes about 20 seconds to recharge completely. Add a bar on the interface that visualizes the shield energy.

✘    Make the game two player, either competitive or cooperative, by tweaking input mapping, spawn points, and end conditions.

✘    Add a flying saucer like in this implementation. [I am so bad at this game that I couldn't get to the flying saucer part, and so didn't really know how to implement it.]

✔    Delivery: see if you can build it for WebGL and upload it somewhere so it can be played from the browser. Otherwise make a build that runs on your computer.


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Typeface by Camellina.

SFX from CC licensed audio samples of paper folding, stapling, flipping pages, etc.

Experimental game changes made for EGS.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jan 27, 2023

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