Parasite (itch) (Max Kowarski)

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Parasite is a roguelike survival horror game about possession set in a modern-day setting. Currently in development, each session is set to be medium length (around 2-3 hours to complete). The game is fully completable to the finish but needs  GUI work and polish.

Features include:

  • A whole generated modern-day city to explore and survive in.
  • A single story scenario that starts with the main protagonist alone, scared and without any memories in a hostile human world.
  • Possession mechanics that is critical to the player survival (see, you just die very fast without a host).
  • Robust host inventory, skills and knowledges system.
  • Player evolution unlocking new improvements and body features for the possessed hosts.
  • Building and improving habitat to rest and recuperate.
  • Separate difficulty settings for all key parts of the game that will be prompted organically during its course.
  • Event timeline investigation to piece together both what has happened before and what to do next.
  • A dangerous group of opponents that is tasked with finding and destroying threats to humanity (you).

The development is now focused on the GUI, balance and polish. All of the ingame screens apart from the main map are blocks of text with no ability to use mouse to select actions. After the GUI comes the evolution system. After I'm comfortable with these, I'm planning to expand the game with different story scenarios and adding more  meat to the key parts of  the game.

Keyboard help :

  • 1-9 - Player actions that are listed in the action window in the lower left window corner. Also player actions in all screens.
  • S - Stop evolution
  • X - Leave host
  • F1-F7 (Alt-1 to Alt-7 when in browser) - Goals, Inventory, Knowledge, Log, Timeline, Evolution, Body features screens. Most of these will be locked until you progress further through the early game.
  • F10 - Exit
  • F - Enables/disables fullscreen mode

Useful console commands (press ; to open console on top, works only when all windows are closed):

  • h, help - will show available commands
  • cfg, config - set config option. If ran without arguments, will show all config options available. Example: "cfg mapScale 0.3" will set map scale to 30%
  • r, restart - restarts the game
  • q, quit - quits the game (desktop only)

Useful configuration options (edit parasite.cfg in desktop mode or through the console):

  • mapScale (default: 1) - float, will change the map tiles scale in both area and region modes
  • mouseEnabled (default: 1) - 0/1, will disable mouse cursor and path drawing
  • extendedInfo (default: 0) - 0/1, will enable extended game information mode that outputs a lot of behind the scenes information into the console. Enable only if you're curious about the formulas and stuff like that.

Read the brief game guide here.

This version of the game uses free icons from Full list is available here.

You can contact me directly at starinfidel_at_gmail_dot_com.

Release date
Max Kowarski
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

Edit the game info
Last Modified: May 10, 2019

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