My entry for the #SimpleJam is an endless shoot'em up with dot matrix inspired visuals.
Your mothership (you can't see it, but it's right behind you) is under attack by... red square thingies... and your mission is to protect it as long as you can!
- Destroy as many enemies as possible to increase your score.
- If they touch you or reach your mothership: game over!
- The mothership has a shield that can absorb one hit. It will take some time to recharge.
- You can have the mothership fire its shield as a weapon to destroy everything on screen, but you won't score any point from that.
- Collect the green powerups to increase your chances of surviving just a little longer!
Directional arrows / WASD: move
Space / Z: shoot
Left Ctrl / X : fire Mothership cannon
Alt + Enter : toggle fullscreen mode