PICO-8 Dodge
This is my first game on PICO-8, also my first-ever game in life. It was initially a practicing demo for learning lua and PICO-8 development, so simple that you can not do anything other than move a cube. Then my friend told me that maybe I can add some random walls (it becomes bullet in the end), if the cube touches the wall, the game is over. I thought it was a good idea, so just tried to make it out.
The whole process is full of fun and thinking, took me about 10 hours to get all the things done, including reading lua & PICO-8 docs, coding, drawing, debugging. One thing worth metioning is that I got huge influence and encouragement from people's reaction to this tweet: https://twitter.com/novoreorx/status/999974039681622017 , many people came to say hi and retweet, event it's just a piece of poor newbie code. Thanks to everyone who paid attention to it.
Currently this project, even very small and simple, is far from completed. Here are some tasks I plan to do later:
- [ ] add flying heart (add life, max 5, more become score)
- [ ] add flying bonus (add score)
- [ ] add flying clock (reduce heat)
- [ ] add heat bar (heat increases over time, the greater heat, the more bullets)
- [ ] add dying animation
- [ ] prettify game over, add option for restart
Glory to PICO-8 and indie game developement. 😘