Pieces (itch) (Miskin)

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So, the premise of the game is that the world has come apart like a jigsaw puzzle, and you've entered the epicenter of the problem to try to figure out what's going on and how to fix it.  This would have been explained in the game itself, if I'd had time to make nice title and intro screens and whatnot, but this was done for a game jam, and getting the gameplay working took priority.

In accordance with the MiniJam 71 limitation, this game combines two genres: adventure game and platformer.  So, I didn't manage to get everything done that I planned before the MiniJam deadline, but at least I've got something.  I had a few more puzzles planned that I didn' t have time to implement (and some of the graphics and models are... pretty awful)... maybe I'll finish the rest of what I'd planned later.  Maybe not.

Uploaded a second version because I had enough time before the deadline to fix an issue that was bothering me, namely that you could interact with objects no matter how far away they were, as long as they were visible, which allowed a lot of puzzles to be bypassed.  And then just before the deadline I uploaded a third version that fixed another minor glitch (a mouse click to close a text window was counted again after the window was closed if there was something interactable behind it, which was not desireable behavior.)  Still, I left the older versions up for download in case you want to play it the easy way and cheat.  (Or, uh, in case in fixing those issues I introduced some other bug that I didn't find in time that made the game unplayable, in which case the first, flawed but working version is still available.)

All the assets appearing in the game were made specifically for this game.  Well... I did reuse some bits of code from some previous games I worked on.  But all the models and graphics were created specifically for this game.  (I did use some textures from textures.com.)

(Oops, wait, I take that back.  I did reuse one model from my last game jam entry, but that was done as an intentional callback.)

Oh... heck, I forgot to mention this in the in-game controls, but if you end up with some weird camera angle after changing the camera angle by clicking and dragging, you can reset the camera by double-clicking.

I made a post about the creation of this game on my gamedev blog.

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Not rated

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Pieces (itch) (Miskin) screenshot, image №2672799 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 15, 2021

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