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Pikuniku is an absurdly wonderful puzzle-exploration game that takes place in a strange but playful world where not everything is as happy as it seems. Help peculiar characters overcome struggles, uncover a deep state conspiracy, and start a fun little revolution in this delightful dystopian adventure!
A Vibrant Adventure for All: Explore a colorful world at your own pace, help quirky characters with their unusual requests, and solve clever puzzles that will challenge players of all levels with a 4 - 5 hour campaign.​
Charming Cast: Meet a cast of memorable characters on your journey, each with their own problems and eccentricities to accommodate along the way.
Cooperative Mode: Join up with family and friends for local multiplayer fun in custom cooperative levels and challenges.

Release date
Devolver Digital
Alan Zucconi
Arnaud De Bock
Rémi Forcadell
Calum Bowen
Devolver Digital
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 or later
  • OS: Windows 7 or later

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.9 or later
  • OS: Mac OS X 10.9 or later

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.10 x64
  • Processor: Intel i7 – 4771 (4 * 3500)
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 970
  • OS: Ubuntu 18.10 x64
  • Processor: Intel i7 – 4771 (4 * 3500)
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 970
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Last Modified: Jan 30, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox Store
Nintendo Store
Epic Games

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Pikuniku reviews and comments

So fun and weird, we need more games like this
One of those games that just makes you smile. Pikuniku is a lovely, physics based 2d platformer, with genuinely funny writing. It is very short, but intended to be played thru multiple times. If you are not put off by the aesthetics and don't mind jumping arround, definitely play. 

Played on Xbox Series S (GamePass).
not bad. starting was okay. but towards the end it becomes linear and the characters have good humor and gets good. didn't bother to do the optional content after the story gets linear . too many indie games are depending on art and being wonky and funny , this does it a bit right. i am losing interest with all indie games having somewhat same style in the design . need more good stories.
From the artwork, I thought this was going to just be cute game, but it has a lot of jokes and I found myself laughing out loud at some of the lines. Short but fun, I got it for $2.50 on Steam. 
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Microsoft from French
A good game that will make you pick up more than one smile if you are receptive to his humor tralala squeaky. Nevertheless I note some flaws:-first his soundtrack, which I found really very tiring and boring in the long run, with some exceptions most of the themes that you can hear are not very pleasant to listen-then its physical engine it remains functional most of the time but gives sometimes floating sensations in the control of the character, and although the result is quite original it happened to me once to be soft lock in a riddle because of it, forcing me to leave the game savagely and to start over at the last checkpoint--finally his bosses, who are just ridiculous so their interest is nonexistent on the playful level, pity. Anyway, I still had a good time on this little game, which is very much worth its price for the time we spend. And that is endowed in addition to a certain number of collectables and secrets for the most fierce.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Product received for free at the same time as an original platform, exploration and puzzle game, Pikuniku takes place in a colorful and playful universe reminiscent of Kirby's distinctive universe. But beyond this façade which may seem quite simplistic, the game of Sectordub signed at Devolver digital contains an impressive wealth and is one of the good surprises of the beginning of the year. Pikuniku plays the map of simplicity, but behind basic and colorful graphics hides a funny and touching platform game. Once past the introduction of the scenario, the player is acquainted with a small red character coming to put the discord in a colorful dystopian world. The term dystopia was rightly evoked, since the so colorful world of Pikuniku is not as rosy as one might think. We realize very quickly shenanigans that are on the horizon within the universe of the title. It does not spoil the desire to want to explore it and this epic will be punctuated by many dialogues. Usually short, they are mostly stuffed with humor and this is one of the other facets that helps make the overall adventure fun. The grip remains as simple as its artistic direction. It is therefore possible to have a button to jump and another to hit, with also the possibility to perform some contextual actions. Nothing very complicated in itself, the only problem is the physics that is a bit peculiar and will ask for a little patience sometimes. The Pikuniku adventure should guarantee 3 to 4 hours of play, although it seems quite short, the adventure remains nonetheless thrilling and entertaining and offered at a suitable rate (€12.99) – the title offers it widely for its money. Especially since it may be possible to play alone or in two, the title then proposing different levels of the solo story, to give the desire to share this experience with its Entourage as the game of Sectorsub proves rather accessible. As for her music, she sticks perfectly to the universe and contributes to give this joyful and good child air that emerges from this title. Find the entire test, including his note and his conclusion on Geeko: https://geeko.lesoir.be/2019/01/30/test-pikuniku-un-platformer-tres-seduisant/
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