Pinchi The Capybara
The year is 2025
After the COVID-19 pandemic wiped out the human population of Argentina, the native fauna took over the country.
Some factions of these animals got together to reconstruct MECHA-PERÓN, but the plan backfired and the robot general went berserk.
Pinchi the Capybara must now escape his natural predators, the Yaguaretés and Robo-Condors, and the rampaging General to get to safety. But the Pulqui-I wasn’t built for success...
You play as Pinchi, who is trying to flee his enemies in a less-than-ideal aircraft. As it receives damage, you lose control of it gradually in different ways:
Aim Module: You can no longer aim at enemies, only shoot straight back.
Loader Module: Reload time is increased.
Vision Module: Everything becames a blurry mess.
Engine Module: Stability is compromised!
Use W, A, S, D to move
Esc to Pause, and in the main screen to Exit
Use the mouse to aim, and Left click to shoot
Drink a "Matecito" to regain control of your plane!
Mate and Module icons by