An abstract highscore-chasing shoot-em-up. Shoot the green meanie to score points. Don't let it hit you. Every time you miss, the wall you hit moves closer. What's the highest score you can reach?
Move with the arrow keys, shoot with the X key while moving.
Written for #TweetTweetJam 4. The code fits into two tweets:
w=128 c=circfill a=abs z=rnd g=sgn cls()x=8y=63::_::h,l,b,r=8,0,127,127s=0::b::o=o or{x=z(128),y=h}i=btn()v=(i&2)/2-(i&1)u=((i&8)/8-(i&4)/4)*(1-a(v))x=mid(l,r,x+v*2)y=mid(h,b,y+u*2)for i=0,999 do pset(z(w),z(w),0)end n=t()d=o.x-x e=o.y-y o.x-=g(d)/2+2*cos(n)o.y-=g(e)/2+2*sin(n)c(o.x,o.y,2,z{3,11})if a(d)<=3 and a(e)<=3then c(x,y,8,7)goto _ else c(x,y,2,z{8,9})if btnp(❎)then line(x,y,x+v*w,y+u*w,12)if v==g(d)and 2>=a(e)or u==g(e)and 2>=a(d)then c(o.x,o.y,6,7)s+=1o=nil else r-=max(v)l-=min(v)b-=max(u)h-=min(u)end end end ?s,2,2,7 rect(l,h,r,b)flip()goto bSystem requirements for Web
Last Modified: May 11, 2020
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