PIXEL DUNGEON Inventory Odyssey
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- Use W and S to move and Q and E to rotate.
- Left-click to interact with objects or select enemies.
- Drag and drop items to equip or store them in the inventory.
- To unequip an item, right-click on the equipped slot.
- Left-click on the equipped weapon to deal damage to the selected enemy.
PIXEL DUNGEON ist a dungeon crawler game that revolves around inventory management. Players must equip items in multiple slots, carefully considering the good and bad stats that come with them. The gameplay revolves around exploring the dungeon, fighting enemies, and managing inventory to become stronger and conquer the challenges that lie ahead.
Sprites (60%) by PhantomSphere
Music and SFX by Cyberleaf Studio
A basis for the Inventory-Script has been created by Marco Herzog, a.k.a. Duke (created during the game jam)
All other assets, including sprites, models, animations, scripts, and textures, have been made by yours truly within the span of, and for the https://itch.io/jam/dcjam2023.