Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
2D "Recettear," with Wool Factor and clicker idiosyncrasies. Addictive and with more Content than expected!
First Impression: Pro:-pleasant Learning Curve-interesting "root mechanics"-in "chill mode" a pleasantly relaxing Challenge Contra:-Streting-wise clicker orgies-no way to make the Sound quieter-game works too Start very shallow and hides exciting Mechanics up to a certain Point completely
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
In 30 minutes The game was very tired of cutting music and sounds, low quality graphics (even by pixel standards) and quite a normal process. Nothing new and even more interesting I have not found here. In essence and meaning resembles Plantera, there too bored in 10 minutes. The Whole gameplay is to put the items a la Tetris in narrow limited inventory, and then selling these items randomly passers-by (automatically). The impression was that the developer wanted to do the idler-clicker, but half-way changed his mind and boiled porridge.
Just recently, a similar game about the Forge has already been released (Weapon Shop Fantasy), with much wider content, normal graphics and pleasant music. There is another option-a couple of days ago in Steam released Farmington Tales, which I previously passed completely twice, there you do almost the same thing, just do not fight with monsters, and look for items in locations. Then put them in a narrow invetar a-la Tetris and sell + grow crops, feed animals, etc., and pay 2 times less and without the notorious pixel.
Returned the money, ' tis ' $5 is never worth it, place it on Armor Games in the discharge of free.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Microsoft from Deutsch
Gameplay: Dungeons-Items Tetris moderately pack into a Bag-Sell stuff-Credit pay Credit rises very quickly 100, 350, 650 ... Items give little Gold (50 or less) ... achivments such as selling a total of 20 items or 10 to the Type Warrior give 100-200 Gold-ugrades from your Inventory are virtually not possible if you want to pay off the Loan (100 000)-I have "died" at 650, although I actually lie like such Games lying slightly The fact that one is very unclear about where you should get such Sums of Gold graphic: Bird'S eye view-Pixelig difficulty: No gold = Game Over Sandbox mode = easy Fashion without Credit pay off (rather not my Case) Conclusion: After 37 Minutes I am the first time Game Over and so motif Or like a Sloth (sorry if an Animal Lover feels attacked here) to start another Game or call the last Checkpoint because it very quickly requires high Gold Totals that drive you into the Game Over paid at not even 1%.
Price performance: 6.43 in sale ... Maybe with a few Upt-dates worth the Money but moment it's a rate that achivement gives you Gold to pay off Your Credit Nonsense game time at the Time of the Review: 37 Minutes-Refund