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Please close the doors

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There were eight people in the stopped elevator of "The Moscow pharmacological company" and FSB hunts for one of them. In order to disappear unnoticed, the criminal is ready to kill everyone who is stuck with him in one elevator until "security officers" have reached him.

"Please close the doors" is a quest with elements of the detective and thriller in which the player should find out who is a criminal until he hasn't killed all the peaceful characters during interruptions in light. You will interrogate each of characters, question them how they spent that day until being stuck in the elevator and look for inconsistencies in their words. You will have to conduct the interrogations very careful, because too detailed questioning can make the innocent become nervous or angry and make them stop answering your questions, and the criminal, having guessed that you approach him, can kill you during the following cutoff of light.

Will you be able to get out of this situation alive, having avoided not only the murderer, but also the staff of FSB who don't want someone to know the mysteries of the state company?


  • Different endings, dependent not only from the actions chosen by you, but also from the relations with characters and final outlook.

  • Set of types of weapon: from mops and scissors to alarm and ordinary guns.

  • Original soundtrack.

  • The alternative Universe the history of which you should learn from notes, newspapers, memoirs of characters and environment.
Release date
Koyotis Studio
Koyotis Studio
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS:
  • Processor:
  • Memory: 500 MB RAM
  • Graphics:
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Sound Card:
  • OS:
  • Processor:
  • Memory: 500 MB RAM
  • Graphics:
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Sound Card:
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Last Modified: Dec 18, 2023

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Please close the doors reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Please Close the doors is very irrepressible in terms of evaluation of the game, because on the one hand it has good things, and on the other hand there are very critical problems that are just so and make you psihanut and throw the game, and some problems even force! But let's take a closer look And here we have the first minus. Gameplay. For the first time I see such a, I do not like this word, miserable supply of game mechanics. First, at startup I was surprised that I was offered to run 2 variants of the game, which are not different from each other (just two identical names). What for? I do not know! Seriously! If anyone knows, explain to me a silly. Next, we are offered to choose two types of extensions: Full screen with blurred textures (I will Not say that it is bad, because the game has not positioned itself as the best in terms of the engraver) and ooooovery small window. My advice: It is better to choose a small window to better all perceived, but it is really small. A Bit uncomfortable, but still... Even better. Okay. The Main menu. Awesome! Can I see... Stop? There are no settings or even the most banal explanation of management? Even Learning? Seriously? I searched for buttons at random and then still do not know how many of them here, but one thing I can say for sure: do not press the F12, and then the game will simply fly out. So if you want to make a screenshot, then change the settings of the Stima hot key. The Only plus that can not override any minus is the Asketichnost control, ie a small number of buttons. So Far I have checked that the workers are the arrows, inter and 0 on the calculator. It's Like everything. More buttons don't seem to be useful. But come on, let's look deeper into the Story. This is not A bad idea. People are sitting in the elevator, you're trying to figure out who the instigator of all this is and collect the evidence. A Good detective with an element of stepping strategist. The Period of the USSR also warms my soul, since I love this time. It has a kind of charm, but come On. Of course, I have not yet passed this game, so I can not fully convey the story, but I already like the idea. We're fine Here. And that's exactly the reason that I can not walk through the human story line. Constant stupor of dialogues. And now I'll try to explain it distinctly. At A certain point in the game during the dialogue disappears text and you just stand still. The Game works, but nobody moves, nobody does anything, nobody says anything. And This is a problem whose only solution is restarting. And I would say a good minus, as the gameplay slows down well, but there is a plus. The Developer apparently realized that the game can sometimes "freeze" and before the important moment offers you will remain. This is no but a plus. Though, in my opinion, it is necessary to remove these "friezes", and not to find any workaround And now I want to give a few lines about dialogues. It feels like the game was done not by the Russians, and some poles: a lot of spelling and punctuation mistakes. And There's a huge pile of checkmate. I understand that people-beings are emotional, but it does not mean that in each piece of dialogue should be inserted as a minus 5 pieces of mats. Nasty. Like a Russian game, and a feeling that led Englishman to translate into Russian, which made so many mistakes. That's Why there's A good thing here, too. Well, let's go in order. First the price. It is valid for such an ambiguous product. Of course, I saw a game about the same character and content that was worth less, but not so much. And on the Skidonchiku and you can buy. Second, the idea. It is big and good here, but it seems that the developers lacked the tools to fully implement it. Thirdly, The variety of endings. I Love games where your action depends on the subsequent process of the game, and here it is Well and now the results! PCTD stands on the verge of a flash game in the browser and an indie project. Why? The idea here is good, which leads us to the idea that it is really indie, but the implementation of the game on the level of the stick, because here everywhere there are technical neodelki, which sometimes even lead to a decent such aggression. But, nevertheless, I will recommend this game as a product with a deep and thoughtful storyline. I put 5 clues out of 10
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