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Plexus - an experimental 2d shooter with RPG elements, non-linear passage and a global map, where the player will move between worlds, exterminate crowds of monsters and avoid dangerous traps.

- All in-game weapons have two shooting modes;
- You can also collect powerful active/passive spells that create black holes or give invisibility.

Global Map
- The player explores the world of the Plexus, moving through the levels of four biomes (Factory, Cave, Aether, Chaos). Each biome is beautiful, dangerous and unique.
- Between fights you can choose the next biome to pass or bypass a complex level on the global map.

RPG elements
- Component system of the ship, large number of guns, engines, armor and, accordingly, assemblies of ships.

- Visiting each biome in its own way changes the whole world of the Plexus.
- Replaying is actual: the player himself chooses the order of visiting biomes. Random item drop strongly affects the available tactics (warrior/stealth/manipulator).
Release date
Plexus team
Plexus team
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: Dual Core, 2.2Ghz or better
  • Memory: 3 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Geforce 8000 series (discrete)
  • Storage: 500 MB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Linux x64
  • Processor: Dual Core, 2.2Ghz or better
  • Memory: 3 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Geforce 8000 series (discrete)
  • Storage: 500 MB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion)
  • Processor: Dual Core, 2.2Ghz or better
  • Memory: 3 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Geforce 8000 series (discrete)
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Kill 6 monsters in a second
Kill 100 enemies
Kill a boss
Complete 20 levels
Destroy 2 bonuses on a level
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Plexus reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free And do you dream of flying? Plexus-A good 2D scrolling-shooter from the CIS-developers About the game Gameplay. There Is an open world in the game. Let's go ahead and answer your question. Yes, the open world. The Developers added to the game a global map in which we have to travel to 4 "Biomos": Factory, Caves, Ether and Chaos. And for what it is necessary? You can not pass some difficult level, then you come to the aid of this decision: You just pass another level, leaving this to better times. Since after passing the first level of each "biome", we open a few branches, and the way to the boss can become very easy. Oh. I Forgot to tell you what we have to do at these very levels. Although, I think you all understand. We have to smash huge crowds of enemies to get to the coveted portal, which will open our way to the following levels. If you think that pass the levels you can only killing our enemies, then you are mistaken. The Tactic of passing you can choose yourself. And This will help us "RPG-system". No, you do not have to swing skills, the levels of the ship is not here. There are only things: modules and special abilities-that fall from the mobs, with a completely random-you can lead, or maybe not-or you can "scrap" the thing from the crystals, which sometimes come across the levels. And It is from the things that are currently "worn" on your ship depends on everything. If you do not like to fight, the top engine, less armor, which increases the weight of the ship, and the skill of invisibility will help you pass the level without dealing damage to our enemies. But If you pavan and used to kill everything and all, it is the weapons and armor, as well as the ability that allows you to fight, without fear for your precious carcass, will be your all in this difficult business. Else. Graphics. Excellent graphic style, very well traced location. Notes of steampunk, anxiety and fear, in some biomah, create an impressive picture of the world "Plexus", which you want to return to just admire them. Music. The Music is excellent. Fits Perfectly into the atmosphere of epic battles and fear of the unknown. Ha-Aaaah-Rdkor. Yes, you like that? Then Why do you read the review instead of buying the game? Yes, it is sometimes difficult and sometimes easy. It all depends on the directness of your hands and on your tactic of passing. Suddenly you are an incredible stelser and pass the levels without fights? Yes, but only bosses in this way, unfortunately, do not kill, and they are uh, which are complicated. In General, I could put this in the "Gameplay", but decided to leave so. Heh Plot. There's something about it. Well, "Preface." The Story in the form of a comic book: "Why exactly we?". Absolutely not important detail of this game. The Plot in the game is "for a tick". The Result is an Incredibly interesting game in which you want to come back again and again. This is not another indie-treche, which is not even worth paying attention to, but rather a cool scrolling shooter, which is just lost, perhaps because of the price of 169 rubles without a discount. And If you're interested in it, it's time to buy this game. In Total 33 rubles and a steep evening you are assured. Rating: 8.5/10. Review compiled by curator Group Reviews online. Don't forget to subscribe.
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