Pointless (itch) (ThatGuyEsso)
My entry for the programming Search for a star challenge (d3t rising star challenge to be specific).
Pointless is a game built upon the initial prototype framework provided.
As the name suggests, it's a game about making pointless decisions, facilitated by combining the elements of Text-based choose your adventure games, with First Person Adventure games elements.
It is inspired by games like Stanley Parable where it is hard to predict where your choices may take the player (though the scope is limited to fit into the time frame of the challenge).
This is the first test built (hence story has not been proofread), which anyone is welcome to try but I would very much appreciate any feedback. Hence please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmIYcYN6ZndANKhlSzIa3JURSlVXERPpCnMfCg...
Mixing Text-based adventure games with First Person adventure games.
Inspired by 'Choose your own Adventure' games