The story follows a humble baker as their town is slowly consumed by an ever-encroaching barrier, on the other side of which is endless void. When one night, the Baker is awoken by a strange feeling, they venture outside to see the religious leader leave the town in a sort of trance, and vanish beyond the barrier. Perhaps this is what is happening to everyone?
After the town discusses some heavy decisions they must make, the Baker is thrust beyond, and they must find their way back before it's too late.
Game Jam:
This game was made in 15 days for the Neophyte Studios Narrative Game Jam #3. The theme is Outer Edge, and we took this literally as the outer edge of a town / barrier.
Role / Credits:
Thuleanx is the developer and artist. Cathardigan is in charge of writing and sound design. We collaborated on this game because we liked each other's past work and thought it would be fun to work together on a Jam.
We made all the art ourselves in Aseprite. The font used here is Silver, one of Thuleanx's favorites. The palette is BPRD-16 by BrainInABowl.
If you are having performance problems, consider playing the downloadable version for your platform. It's generally more stable.