Pour Honor
You're a weatherman, and your job is to make weather predictions. Quick predictions! Your ratings depend on it!
- To make a prediction, once staring out the window, press Enter and select the weather type you'd like to predict.
- Gain a reputation higher than a hundred to win.
- If your reputation reaches zero, you lose.
- You lose reputation over time, every time you miss out on a prediction.
- You can skip lines in the intro by tapping the space bar.
Assets and crappy code all by yours truly.
The web version has issues playing back audio without stuttering. (the latency is significantly higher as well due to the increased buffer size)
Download the desktop version for better audio playback.
Submission for the OLC Code Jam 2022.
Created using the Pixel Game Engine and the olcSoundWaveEngine.
Source code available on GitHub.