- Deliver big items with your little airplane throughout the Hawaiian Islands
- Pick up items from one island and deliver them to another within the time limit
- The target destination is indicated by a beam of light
- Items will be automatically picked up and dropped off if your plane is close enough to the ground when passing near an indicator
- Win by delivering all 12 items!
- Supports Keyboard and/or Gamepad controls
- WASD (Keyboard), DPad and Left Stick (Gamepad) control Pitch and Roll
- QE, Left & Right Shoulder Buttons control Yaw
- ▲ Key, Right Trigger controls Throttle
- ▼ Key, Left Trigger controls Brake
- P, Start Pause the game
- Heavier and more unwieldly items will make your plane more difficult to control - make sure to keep your nose up and minimize steep turns
- If an ejected item gets stuck on your plane, a good barrel roll is usually enough to dislodge it
- If you get stuck against terrain, especially underwater, hold onto your brake (▼ Key, Left Trigger) to cut the engine and you'll float to the surface