Precise Dice

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A Point and Click Game

Click dice as they fly by you to add the number on them to your score.  Careful not to go over the target number that you have been given or run out of time! This is a game of fast reflexes and quick maths as you race against the clock to get the correct number.

As the sub-heading suggests, the controls are simple. A mouse is required as well as a keyboard if you want to pause the game and change some settings. The pause button is the escape key. You are also welcome to resize the window to suit you. I was going to add proper settings but I ran out of time.

This game was made as part of the GMTK Game Jam 2022 in which the theme was 'Roll of the Dice'. It was made within 48 hours and there are plenty of improvements that can be made but I still enjoyed my weekend coding it in C and creating sounds and textures for it.

The game starts off super easy so as to teach new players the mechanics but it does get more difficult as time goes on. Please note, the game has no end. (well, none that I know of) It was designed to be played until some variable limit is reached resulting in some weird glitch. Whether or not that will happen in an hour or a day, I do not know.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 18, 2022

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