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In this game you can play against an Ai or against a friend locally.

There are 2 phases in this game: Deploy & Attack

Deploy Phase

Players/AI take turns deploying a number of troops to gain control of unclaimed territories.

The first player to be unable to take control of a territory (running out of troops or all territories are already claimed) goes first in Attack mode.

Attack Phase

Players/AI take turns attempting to destroy enemy territories. 

In order to destroy an enemy territory the sum total of all your troops in adjacent territories must be greater than the troops in the target territory you're attacking. Ties result in nothing. 

If you believe you have no possible attacks left, you may "Cease" your attack to pass your turn. Once you pass your turn you will be unable to attack again. Once both players have "Ceased" their attacks the game will end.

Winning the Game

The winner is the player with more territories at the end. You can have less troops remaining and still win if you have more territory at the end.

If players have the same amount of territories left over the winner is determined by the player with the most surviving troops. 

If both territory number and troop total are equal the game ends in a Tie.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Oct 5, 2020

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