President Chainsaw
President Chainsaw project is an anime RPG, with unique Tactics Bullethell gameplay. Fight alongside Zion as he attempts to elect the president in a world where everyone is turned into puppet clones.
This is a story-driven game, with an innovative combination of Tactics element and Bullethell battle system.
The story is partially inspired by Corpse Party, High school of the Dead, Game of Thrones and Zombieland Saga respectively.
The alpha demo covers chapters 1-3, while the full game will contain 5 chapters in total.
1. Enemy attacks you with bullet hell! But it's not the end.
2. Take buffs by achieving requirement!
3. Navigate in a tactics grid and attack with your buff!!
Contains blood and unsettling scenes. Blood and gore are in the form of pixel art.
Arrow keys / Left stick - Move around / Dodge
Z / Space / [Controller X] - Confirm
X / [Controller Triangle] - Cancel / Menu
Shift / [Controller Square] / [Controller R2] - Speed up
The game is a solo-devved project. (With a lot of help, of course.) It is appreciated if you can leave a comment on the page or help me improve the game. You can post in the comment section below, or come to the @twitter.
FAQ and things I want you to know.
Q: The game is too easy.
A: The game is now on easy mode so everyone can enjoy the game. However, feedback on the gameplay is appreciated since it is continuously developed. Memory links are also provided to people who are not good at battles in this demo.
Q: The demo is too long.
A: Originally I wanted to end it at chapter 2, but I want to include idol in the demo.
Q: Art by?
A: Below:
- Fall for random - Concept art and Title art
- ManuGamingCreations - Animation