Pride Maze
How to launch:
1. install java.
2. launch .jar
How to play:
the labyrinth is generated in such a manner, where a CIS WHITE HETEROSEXUAL mass of a labyrinth with no way to get to an exit is created. after this, the algorithm replaces the CIS WHITE HETEROSEXUAL walls of the labyrinth in such a manner that every "square" in the grid is "accessable". it's basically a reverse coloured labyrinth. adds to the difficuilty, doesn't it ;)
so in other words; FoLlOw ThE rAiNbOw!1!
Aditional options:
add launch argument 1 - 100 (numbers one to 100) to change size of labyrinth. then take screenshot.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for macOS
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Sep 20, 2019
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