Prison City (RetrogradeJam 3)

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Preface: Project was coded between July 1st and July 10th for RetrogradeJam 3, with graphical assets created and planning done through the month of June.

[From the 'manual']

Detroit was abandoned. The last of the residents moved out of the city.


The Detroit Penal Project was created, building massive walls around the city. The worst criminals are sent there to serve their life sentences.

The only way in or out is through heavily armed supply trains.

[1997 - Present Day]

Techno-Terrorists have infiltrated Detroit Prison City, building an army by supplying prisoners with weapons.

Retired soldier Hal Bruzer is the only one who can stop the Techno-Terrorists. With his POWER CHAKRAM and acrobatic skill, he will bring the fight to them."

Prison City supports keyboard and XInput gamepads. Additional DirectInput gamepads can be mapped using inputmaps.ini located in the root. Your first input on the "Press Start" screen determines your primary input device, however this, as well as action mapping, can be changed in Options.

Make sure to hold the jump button on fences or ledges if you want to grapple onto them! You can change the button that toggles this to Up in the Options Menu.

Default Keyboard Keys are the following: Directional keys, A = Jump, S = Attack, D = Select, Enter = Pause.


  • Soundtrack by Raddland Studios (Retro City Rampage, Shakedown Hawaii)
  • 2 full levels with bosses (one intro level, one on the level select screen), and one hidden incomplete level on the level select screen
  • Fully realized mechanics for a jam game
  • Controller support with mapping options
  • BjortFX CRT Filter for that old ass 1980's gaming feel!
  • If you're having trouble with the first level, hold SHIFT on the title screen when you start the game! This will take you to the level select.

[Development Notes/Goals]
I had a few goals with this project- one was to see how many systems and packages I could reuse from my other games to make the best possible experience as quickly as I can, and another was to try to make something that feels heavy but kinetic, inspired by some of my favorite NES games. This game has The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest and Dumpy & Bumpy running through every ounce of its blood. If you're familiar with either of those games, you'll see what parts of those came together to make this happen. I'm very pleased with how it turned out, and I'm even more pleased with how easy the packages I've made over the years with my other games were to implement into this.

As is my MO, this game is a bit of a living nod to games and genres I enjoy. It's pretty easy to tell what games have inspired it.

With the scope being so small with this game, and making content for it a very rapid process, I would love very much to make this a full game, so if you enjoy this, feel free to send me an @ on Twitter and let me know!

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jul 11, 2022

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