Project Alchemist Alpha 0.2
Alpha 0.2 of the game "Project Alchemist", this alpha has a lot of bugs fixed and a better overall gameplay experience.I think it`s an huge improvement compared to the first alpha. The game has only six months of development so there`s not too much content yet. Only one type of enemy in this alpha, the spider, and only spears of stone to use with alchemy.
This alpha focused on giving a better gameplay experience than the last one, the next one will probably focus more on action, such as making combat more satisfying, improving the alchemy use, adding more enemies , and more control schemes for the combat mode.
Move = Arrow keys / Dpad / Dpad
Jump = Z / X / A
Change camera = Tab / R3 / RS
Pause / menu = Enter / Options / Start
Combat mode = Ctrl / Touch pad / Select
Move right cursor( Red ) = Mouse / Right analog / Right analog
Move left cursor( Blue - Only on combat mode ) = Numpad [ 8 - 4 - 2 - 6 ] / Left analog / Left Analog
Alchemy center energy ( Hold )= F / L1 / LB
Climb = Space / R1 / RB
Drink blood bottle = W / Triangle / Y
Cure bleeding = A / Square / X
Shoot left arm handgun ( Only if has bullets) = Left click / L2 / LT
Shoot right arm handgun ( Only if has bullets ) = Right click / R2 / RT
Alchemy equipped actions( Selected in the menu ):
W / Triangle / Y
A / Square / X
D / Circle / B