Project Gunship

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Project Gunship is a single-player, simulation game that provides an authentic and immersive AC-130 Gunship experience. As gamers ourselves, we’ve often desired an AC-130 Gunship simulator that authentically modeled their combat deployments and we simply got tired of waiting. Far too many times we’ve only been granted a simple taste of this type of gameplay, but Project Gunship’s intent is to be the go-to for historical AC-130 Gunship combat.

It is important to acknowledge the fact that the Project is in an Alpha state, as it is in early access. This means current features are limited and improvements are occurring daily. We’ve made some great progress since release but have a long way to go before we can call this project finished. Many players have already contributed solid feedback that has helped us guide development and we’ll forever be grateful for their contributions and continue to seek good feedback to ensure the project achieves its potential.

Some of the key features of the game include:
  • Stunning Visuals – By utilizing the Unreal Engine 5, experience the realistic perspectives of the Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) thermal camera as you observe and engage hostile targets.
  • Realistic depictions of AC-130 Variants, Weapons, and Munitions – Fly in the original AC-130A “Project Gunship” variant utilizing the 4x GAU-2/A 7.62mm miniguns and 4x M61 Vulcan 20mm cannons or the active AC-130J “Ghostrider” variant utilizing 1x ATK GAU-23/A 30mm Autocannon, 1x M102 105mm Howitzer, and multiple wing-mounted AGM-114 Hellfire missiles. Project Gunship allows the player to customize their experience to meet their expectations.
  • Immersive Audio – Feel the subtle roar of the (4) Rolls-Royce Turboprop engines, radio chatter from the crew, and pound of the weapons firing in support of the troops on the ground.
  • Dynamic AI – With the goal of replay-ability, AI is not scripted but allowed to make decisions in response to their given circumstance. This reactive AI allows scenarios to play differently each time and helps paint a realistic picture for the player.
  • Unique Game Modes – The goal of Project Gunship is to provide a variety of game modes that all can enjoy. The game currently features realistic scenarios and point defense style modes.
Release date
Sklorite Studios
Sklorite Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 10 (x64)
  • Processor: Intel Core i or AMD Ryzen with 4 physical cores
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Geforce GTX 770 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 with at least 4 GB of VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 6 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 10 (x64)
  • Processor: Intel Core i or AMD Ryzen with 6 physical cores
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon 570 with at least 6GB of VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 6 GB available space
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Last Modified: Dec 30, 2023

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