Project Hyades
In a post-apocalyptic world, our young protagonist wakes up from a pile of rubble, finding themselves in the depths of an abandoned laboratory with amnesia and no way out. They soon find out that they are not alone and meet another creature, who seems to know more about the situation than he lets on.
WASD - movement
E - interact
Left Mouse Button - continue dialogue
Esc - Quit game
Amanda Clouse - Project Manager, Game Designer, 3D Modeler - [email protected], (616) 299-6771
Ariana Price - Animations, Concept & Character Art, 3D Modeler - [email protected], (616) 826-8526
Alexa Kripli - Concept Art, 3D Modeler, Texturing - [email protected], (321) 591-6586
Brennar Schopp - Programming - [email protected], (616) 610-1658
Madison Griffard - Trim Sheet/Texture Assistance -
Devin Bowman - Music and SFX
Wee Free Music - Background Music