Average Playtime: 5 hours

Shadow Complex Remastered

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Powered by Unreal Engine technology, the “modern and masterful side-scroller” Shadow Complex became an instant classic when initially released in 2009, exclusively for Xbox 360. The fan favorite won more than 50 Game of the Year and Editor’s Choice Awards and was one of the most popular console games of the year. Shadow Complex Remastered features all the great content from the original game updated with exciting new enhancements and achievements to support its debut on Steam.

Giant Bomb - "5 out of 5 Stars - Amazing from start to finish!"
IGN - "The classic, exploration-heavy gameplay is a winner."
GameSpot - "An incredible adventure that won't be forgotten."
Worthplaying - "A love letter to Super Metroid"

Game Play Overview:
ChAIR’s fresh twist on classic side-scrolling design with modern, cutting-edge gameplay is amplified in Shadow Complex Remastered, featuring all the content from the award-winning original game, updated with graphical enhancements, all-new dynamic melee take-downs, and additional Achievements and Master Challenges.
Through 10+ hours of exploration and fast-paced combat, you’ll discover game-altering power-ups to overcome obstacles, thwart legions of enemies, and delve further into a mysterious and challenging, non-linear game world.

Core Game Play Elements:
- Original single-player experience inspired by classic non-linear exploration side-scrolling genre
- Open world design that evolves as the player explores and progresses through the game
- Huge, mysterious game world populated with legions of enemies, challenges, and jaw-dropping boss battles
- Dozens of unique game-altering power-ups and more than 100 additional items and enhancements to discover
- Intense game play infused with a compelling action-thriller storyline
- Incredible graphics with robust physics, made possible by Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 3
- Bonus Proving Grounds game mode provides side-challenges to help players become the ultimate Shadow Complex master

Updated Features:
- Up-rezzed characters, enemies, environments, and interface
- Updated lighting, post-processing, and visual effects
- New contextual melee take-downs
- New Achievements and Master Challenges
- Supports keyboard/mouse and PC controller with customizable controller and key bindings, and up to 4K resolution support

Story Synopsis:
Shadow Complex propels lost hiker Jason Fleming into the hollows of government conspiracy, dark political motives, and military upheaval. When Jason and his girlfriend Claire accidentally stumble upon a rogue paramilitary group called The Restoration, it soon becomes clear that the faction’s intent is to set in motion a chain of events that will cause America to collapse into a new civil war. Along the way, Jason acquires many high-tech “toys” The Restoration is developing, and eventually becomes a super-powered engine of destruction.

Follow Shadow Complex for the latest updates, discussions and more:
Forums: https://www.epicgames.com/shadowcomplex/forums/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Shadow-Complex-167583452520/?fref=ts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shadowcomplex
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/shadowcomplex
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chairgames/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheChAIRGAMES
Release date
Epic Games
ChAIR Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated
Parent game

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for iOS

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OSX 10.10.5 (Yosemite)
  • Processor: Dual-Core Processor, min 2.5 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GTX 670M
  • Storage: 2048 MB available space
  • OS: OSX 10.11 (El Capitan)
  • Processor: Quad-Core Processor, ~2 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GTX 750M
  • Storage: 2048 MB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 7800 (512MB cache)
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 2048 MB available space
  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core i5
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GT 540 (1GB cache)
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 2048 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 25, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
App Store
Epic Games

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Shadow Complex Remastered reviews and comments

Shadow Complex is a legitimately fun, brainless little Metroidvania-lite. The story is goofy, the gameplay can be janky at times, and the bosses are dull and forgettable, but the way you scale in power from initially just a regular guy running and gunning to a triple-jumping, hook-shotting, rocket-firing machine is a joy.

There’s no sugar-coating it though, the story and writing in this game are bad, and I think the main issue is that I could not quite tell if it was just badly written in general, or badly written on purpose in a nudge-nudge, wink-winksort of way. Generally, though, if it’s hard to distinguish whether it is satire or not, it’s probably not.

Shadow Complex begins with a guy wearing a stolen set of power-armour, disobeying orders and going on a killing spree to save the Vice-President, who is under attack by a shadowy cabal of unknowns (I do genuinely wonder why it’s always the Vice-President, who, to a Brit, seems to do fuck all. Please correct me if I’m wrong). After shooting down a helicopter, the armour is then hacked and shut down, and a voice tells him it’s all too late and the Vice-President is now dead. So far, so schlocky.

Then we’re on to the main character, Jason, a completely generic, characterless everyman, who is on a climbing date with a woman he recently met called Claire. Again, a character so bland I can genuinely only describe her as a MacGuffin to get the main character into the eponymous Shadow Complex. From then on, there’s an eye-rolling B-movie plot about Cobra Commander, sorry, I mean The Restoration trying to take over the USA by inciting a civil war, which somehow involves murdering the Vice-President and also building a big airship.

But I guess we’re not here for the plot, are we? We’re here for the gameplay, which is actually a hell of a lot of fun. The movement and shooting are smooth, and only a tad wonky when you’re shooting people in the background rather than on the same plane as your character. Melee takedowns are meaty one-hit contextual kills (even if the animations are often quite janky), which I absolutely adored using as often as possible. Once you have your power-armour, you’ll be smashing guys as hard as possible across the room. You slowly upgrade from a pistol to a machine gun as you go, as well as gain power-ups such as grenades, a goo-gun, and a rocket launcher. The steady trickle of upgrades never makes the game feel boring.

The general gameplay loop is a lot of fun, and I had a genuinely good time traversing the complex’s various corridors and outdoor areas. However, I could have done without the boss fights. There is nothing interesting or original here; they are completely unremarkable robots, feeling almost as if they were tacked on at the end. They nearly all involve dodging a barrage of bullets and then popping out to repeatedly grenade or rocket them in the face.

Apart from this, though, I had a good time with Shadow Complex Remastered. It does nothing special, the story is B-movie at best, the characters are soullessly dull, and yet there’s something so enjoyable about the moment-to-moment gameplay that really gelled with me. I will give it one thing story-wise though: there’s a moment where you reach the surface again, and as I was pressing B to melee what I initially thought was an enemy, Jason got in his jeep and just drove home, leaving Claire and Cobra Commander to their fates. I just think more games should give you this option, really.

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Short Version: Cool 2D Ball game (Jump 'n Shoot) Long Version: Cool 2D Ball Game:-). You run through an underground Complex, collect weapons and Armor upgrades, and baller everything over the Heap. There are few unfair Spots. Backtracking is limited. The Story is O.K. but not the Focus. The Game has a Memory point System whose Memory points are widely distributed. There are no more Things to say, except that I enjoyed it a lot. Relaxing and not too strenuous.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
(Predecessor never played) Game I like very much, Play out as similar As Super Metroid (SNES-best Gamer ever) ... But of course it has significantly better Graphics and the Gameplay isn't quite as hectic. Sure it has a Bug every now and then .. The AI is of course stupid as Bread but you forget this very quickly, because it just makes you feel Like. I just find it kind of way too easy ... Even at the highest Difficulty level, it plays like other Games on easy. The current 10 Euros are a very good Investment, I think!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Shadow Complex, a small Metroidvania Game. That's what it says is for the Game not to be for everyone! It consists of VERY VIEL Backtracking, and many probably lose out because they are attractive to play through:( Well, what keeps me playing, though, are the Unlockable Weapons, hidden Secrets and the little funny Story (because of the Women beating). Story: You have to save your Girlfriend who was kidnapped by a Kind of Terror Group. Very broken down but I don't want to anticipate anything. But It also gets a bit boring before the end. But the End in itself will hit you in the Face ... It was more likely ... Unexpectedly. Gameplay: You climb up your Way to large Labs and shoot your way through a few Enemies. You have a Handful of Weapons, all of which can be killed a little, for example, Accuracy. Aim makes the Game on the PC very easy and you usually don't die by the opponents, but because you wanted to try something new (Grenade Bounces on the Wall directly into the face from the Opponent). Climbing is very nice as it goes very well off your Hand and hardly needs to get used to it as it is just funktrionians. Graphic: It lamps up on the UE-3 what you can sometimes see (texture streaming), but that also somehow fits the Game! The Game lows but very fluid But also has few Graphic Opions. Looks also a bit dated but ... Graphic isn't the only:) Unfortunately also very kurtz, about 5-7 Hours and one is through. You can find more Secrets at a new Beginning, but that's why:/ Otherwise a good Game and also worth the Money! However, Recommend buying it on Key Stores (I habs get for 55 Cents, would also spend more!). PS: I've played the Game on the X-Box before and I'll play it again on the PC.
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