PsychoCats (almonmanzano, Diego Jar, Aixana) (almonmanzano, Diego Jar, Aixana)
Game made in 7 days by a 3 person team for the GJL Game Parade 2020 game jam. The theme was "Carpe Diem / Seize the day". So, in this game you play as a chrono mage cat who has to seize the day trying to save his mate from an imminent death. Do not trust anyone!
Xeila Nieto Fernández - Design, 3D modelling and illumination -
Diego José Alfonso Rodríguez - 3D modelling -
Laura Almón Manzano - Programming -
We used free music for this game:
Halloween Waltz-
Monster Parade -
Universal Production music - UPM_CHAP521_172_Destiny_Awaits_Backing_Vocals_Only_Bedford_1433509
We've been working hard all week, but the PsychoCats got the better of us, so there's a lack of animation, ways to kill, etc. Nevertheless, we have put in this project all our love (and our sleeping hours), and we hope you enjoy it and that you manage to save Catgalf!
First of all, Thank you for playing it & comment your opinion, is really important for us to make it better. We really appreciate it.
As you can experience in the game, some things doesn't look to work really nice...
This is our second jam submission, we had really big ideas for the game, but the lack of experience managing the time required to make ALL the mechanics we wanted striked on us.
We have worked hard and we have dedicated many more hours to it than is healthy... but in the end, the rush and last minute nerves did not help to solve the problems that arose.
Again, thanks to all the people who play it and give us their ideas and criticisms. We really enjoyed making the game and we will continue working to improve it after the voting period!