Punt mazes
This is a reimplementation of Punt mazes, a Sokoban variant previously featured on clickmazes but currently unavailable. In this game, you slide until you hit a wall or land on a puck. If you land on a puck, that puck will be moved forward the same distance you traveled. Pucks can fly over walls or other pucks, as long as they land in an open space, but you can't knock one on top of another puck or out of bounds. The goal is to get a puck on every target.
Keyboard controls: arrow keys or WASD to move; [X] to toggle movement guides (maybe useful for larger levels); [Z] to undo moves; [R] to reset
Touchscreen controls: tap at the main menu; swipe to move; tap during the game to toggle movement guides (maybe useful for larger levels); open the tab menu in the upper left to undo moves and reset
Hackable version: https://www.puzzlescript.net/editor.html?hack=033fbf6b1d605e6efaeb633e15601391
Original game credits:
- concept - © 2005 mathgrant of www.greylabyrinth.com
- mazes - © 2005 mathgrant, fadeblue, zag & lostdummy of www.greylabyrinth.com, and Andrea Gilbert.
- javascript - © 2005 ralphmerridew of www.greylabyrinth.com