Purple Chasm Escape
Play in the browser here:
This is my submission for the Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3. The theme is "Less is More". I was going to do more with that theme originally but I didn't have the time. I didn't even make anything to even let you know when you've won, mostly I just forgot. You win when you reach the top. SIt's a platformer rage game that is primarily purple. The game is just one color to go with the Less is More theme with yellow highlights. I guess the fact that it has a lot less than I wanted also goes with the theme.
My goal for this jam was to use Gdevelop more to see if it's an engine I'd want to use for bigger projects. After doing this I'd say it's a pretty decent game engine.
The music I used is from this site:
The music only plays after you've died for the first time in the browser. Another issue I've found is that the shooting mechanic can be buggy.