High ground. That's it, that's your goal. The higher you perch, the more you score.
But wait, your friends also want the high ground. This cannot happen. You must push them off, with great force. It will be a great, pushy, shovey funtime with friends for all. Maybe we should trademark that....there, trademarked! That's how that works, right? You just call dibs? Man, this is easy! We should all be lawyers.
PlaytimeEach round lasts 90 seconds.
Controls- W, A, S, D to move
- SPACE to jump
- Left mouse click to push your friends (and to break the starting barrier to start the game (must be standing next to it))
If a room is open and below the maximum player count of 20, you will join that room, else you start a new room. Play starts when the starting barrier is destroyed (after which the room closes and no new players can join).
CreditsGame made in two weeks for the Seattle Indies Slow Jam 2020
- Programming & Networking: Patrice Metcalf-Putnam and John Russell
- Tech-art, Art, & Procedural Animation: Steve Zapata
- Sound Design & Audio Systems Programming: Colin Vandervort
- Music Composition: Nick L Carver
- Environment & Tech Art: Chris Dougherty