Puzzle Rush (gonzoojr)
The unespected
Gift our curse?
A map without treasure, no gold, no greed, no possessions.
A empire without borders, no one can hear your thoughts, nobody can help you.
No give up!
Will you go deep enough?
How to play PUZZLE RUSH
You must click on the red dots on the map, so you will find the scenarios, click on it and discover a new challenge.
Basically a scenario that should be investigated for clues.
When the mouse passes over a track, it will be displayed. Stay tuned for details.
Don't be in a hurry, go slow and find the clues, read carefully, write down with pencil and paper if necessary.
When you have found all the clues, just click on the scenario name to open the challenge.
All challenges need a password to be solved. The password must always be typed in UPERCASE LETTERS.
When you can unlock the password, a new location will be enabled on the map (remember the red dots?)!
If you want to go back and review the clues, click on the X for bones.