Puzzle Time

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Someting about the game:

your main goal is to complete the puzzle shown at the beginning of the level, within a given amount of time, the timer will display how much time you have to complete the level, as you go further in game the puzzles will be more and more difficult and the time will be lesser and lesser. When you complete a level you will get some points as a reward, the faster you complete the level the more points you will get, and so on.

Also in more advanced levels the number of tiles will increase and the time available will be even lesser than before, this makes the challenge more interesting for those who like puzzles to solve and so on.

The game concept is simple, you have to rebuit the image you see displayed for a few seconds, moving the tiles, the countdown shows how many seconds you have before the game is over, to win the level you need to complete the puzzle before the countdown has ended and the game is over.

If you get stuck you may reset a level, clicking the reset button, this will restart the current level but you will keep the score you earned so far, also if you quit the game or return to the title screen your game will be autosaved, so to resume the game just press the resume game button on the title screen, and you will resume the game from the point you left it.

However if you start a new game from the title screen you will loose all your points and game progress, so use this button only if you want to start a completely new game.

System requirements:

Os: Windows Xp, 7 or better

Screen resolution: 1024x768 minimum (full screen or windowed) or better.

Lesser resolutions like 800x600 may work but are not supported.

Video card: Nvidia, Ati or equivalent with at least 128 or 256 mb ram should work.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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