Quantum Hive
[c\::Quantum Hive]
Quantum Hive is a reimagining of a student project the two developers of this project made just over a year ago. It sees the player thrust into a dark, cold, metallic hive, with naught to keep them alive but a laser gun and the ability to sprint.
The game is an endless first person shooter, where the player must avoid being hit by anything in the swarm of drones that dwells within the Hive. Score is tracked by the number of drones you kill, and their value.
[c\:: Controls]
WASD - Movement
Mouse Movement - Looking Around
Shift - Sprint
Left Mouse - Fire
[c\:: How To Play]
The key to survival in Quantum Hive is to never stop sprinting. Run circles around the platform, staying as close to the outer edge as you can (but without crossing any of the spawners along the floor). Couple this with frequent checking over your shoulder, and blasting away at anything to close for comfort. Once enemies stop spawning, you will have plenty of time to start thinning the numbers of the swarm you have chasing you, before more begin to spawn again.
Here's a short video to show that strategy in action:
[c\:: Credits]
Tom Robson: Programming, Implementation, Animation, Testing
Aidan Render: 3D Art, Texturing, UI Art, Testing
(Please Note: All rights on audio used go to their respective owners)