Quantumage is a 2D puzzle platformer set in a sci-fi fantasy world. You play as a wizard. A member of the Legion of truth, an organisation looking for ancient, forgotten magic. You come in direct contact with a new type of magic - Quantum magic. Through a series of increasingly challenging puzzles you learn to understand it and use it to your advantage.
Quantumage was developed during 48 hours by two developers as an entry for the FIT GameJam 2023. As part of the GameJam, three out of four ingredients had to be incorporated into the game: "Atypical use of a die", "Sense/Meaning", "Unexpected connections", "Legion". Our game uses those as follows:
Atypical use of a die: The wizard uses dice as vessels to entangle and manipulate with platforms.
Sense/meaning: The wizard has an ability to see (sense) quantum entanglements
Unexpected connections: Throughout the game the enviroment gets unexpectedly connected by quantum entanglement, later also by the player resulting in unexpected solutions to puzzles.
The vast majority of assets (textures, particles, shaders, music, sound effects) were self-made with only a handful of sound effects taken from a public royalty-free library and subsequently modified. Quantumage was built usingGameMaker Studio 2 .