You find yourself driving down a foggy forest road when suddenly something changes... Follow along to the radio to find your path and seek out the winning numbers to the radio station's "contest of a lifetime."
The main thing to listen out for are the road directions. The winning numbers are recorded down for you. Apologies for the lack of subtitles. Be careful as the car CAN be flipped if you turn too sharply, and that does require a restart sadly.
Instructions (provided in game as well)
WASD to Drive, Click to interact with things
Radio can be tuned with arrow keys or by clicking on it to enter a specific frequency
Click the lever to the right of the steering wheel to auto accelerate.
P will skip dialogue if needed, although only press it when dialogue is playing (debug key I forgot to take out lol)
There is a single easter egg radio frequency in the game. I'd say to look on the back of the CD case for it but there are only screenshots here.