Rain Sword Melee

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Rain Sword Melee is a calm multiplayer fighting game.  Fight in large landscapes with quick precise attacks and platforming.  Welcome to the world of the Rain Sword!

This game is still in very early development and has a lot of work to be done.  If you find any bugs or have any ideas to improve the mechanics check out the discussion board bellow.  Feel free to comment what ever you want.  I'll be checking the comments and updating the game every Monday.

Main Mechanics

The vessel is the circle that collects water and blood.   When the player is hit, the vessel gains blood.  If the vessel is hit while full of blood, it is destroyed and the player dies. 

The charge bar is to the left of the vessel.  Charged energy can be used for stonger attacks.

Special attacks are unique to each character.  When used, the special attack depletes all charged energy.

- mechanics to be added -

  • kicking people in the face
  • consequences for charged blood
  • charged dashes
  • charged jumps
  • more characters
  • other stuff :)
  • rb and lb for character select
  • move - (left stick)
  • attack - (right stick)
  • jump/kick - (rb)
  • dash - (rt)
  • special - (lb + right sitck)
  • gather water - (lt)
  • charge attack - (lt + rightstick)

--- more about gather ---

  • to cleanse collected blood (lt + up left stick)
  • to charge vessel contents (lt + down left stick)

- iona (master of the Rain Sword)

  • |special attack| - spear - (when her spear hits somthing she will teleport to it)

- sword master (master of the sword)

  • |special attack| - teleport - (teleports in direction of right stick.  does damage on the exit of the teleport)  

- hat (master of the hat)   :)

  • |special attack| - counter attack - (creates a shield in the direction of the right stick.  If the shield is hit it releases a large attack)

The vessel is the saver of life, but can die.  All die by blood, but the rain can wash it away.  The Rain Sword creates death and washes it away.

Release date
Tiny Cat
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: May 29, 2020

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