Red Dog and the Endless Spaceship
You are Red Dog, a canine guest on a luxury interstellar cruise! But are you really? And where are you going?
Click/tap to run or resume game
Any key/tap = proceed through text (also restarts game after black ending screen)
Arrow keys/wasd keys/swipe = move
Walk up to red objects or characters to observe or interact with them.
Click button in corner to enter fullscreen mode (laptops/desktops)
I made this game in Adam Le Doux's Bitsy Game Maker, with hacks from Andrew Yolland's Borksy (end-from-dialog hack by mildmojo; bitsymuse hack (c) David Mowatt under MIT License). I made the game's audio with Audacity and some sample sounds from a Casiotone CT-460 keyboard.
This is my first Bitsy game! <3
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Oct 25, 2019
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