Red Skies (Lochlan Pfeffer, Kaizenoku, kcbramley)

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You are the aptly-named 'Pilot'- an ace pilot from the U.N.A.C, AKA, ‘Totally-not-a-stand-in-for-the-US’. You've been sent on a suicide mission to the 'Union State', AKA, ‘Totally-not-a-stand-in-for-the-USSR’ at the height of a cold war between the two nations in order to kill defecting scientist, Dr Nikolai Cagesky, before he is able to complete his magnum opus doomsday weapon. You are already on the backfoot given how Dr Cagesky is already residing in Not-Siberia, and has already completed some lesser projects for the Union State- such as a confusion wave- and has become an entrenched member of the party with a nigh-infinite security entourage of tanks and planes, but that doesn’t mean that Pilot isn’t going to give it a red hot go- negligible odds of success be damned!


  • Fully customizable planes- with 3 weapons, 4 chassis & 3 engines, have your ship however you like; from a shotgun-touting jet glider to a missile-launching F1 engine-powered fighter jet, and a few others in between!
  • Several 100% definitely-not-at-all-annoying side characters to aide you- and a Defecting W.M.D scientist to mildly taunt you!
  • Maximize your mobility by utilizing the experimental Bouncy Snow™-covered ground!
  • A myriad of events that will test you on a completely different skill set to the rest of the game! Such events include:
    • Weather that wants you dead!
    • Lunch breaks!
    • An answer to the question "Why are you hitting yourself?"
  • Stalling!
  • Other stuff that you won't consciously notice, but would be profusely annoyed whilst playing if it wasn't there!
Release date
Lochlan Pfeffer
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Dec 18, 2020

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