Reel Explorers
A simple simulated slots game with a progressive jackpot, preserves progress between sessions, and tracks stats over time. The full game includes a Classic slots game and an RPG-lite slots game.
Generic Pico-8 Controls:
- Toggle Fullscreen: Alt+Enter
- Reload/Run/Restart cart: Ctrl+R
- Mute/Unmute: Ctrl+M
- Player 1 defaults: Cursors + ZX / NM / CV
- Player 2 defaults: SDFE + WA
- Enter or P for pause menu (while running)
Menu Controls:
- Arrow keys to select option
- X or V to select option
- Ctrl+M to turn off sounds
Game Controls:
- Arrow keys to change number of lines
- X or V to spin
- Z or C to cash ouut
- Ctrl+M to turn off sounds
Mobile Controls:
- Very similar except in the virtual handset the O button represents the Z key
- You can use any game controllers recognized by SDL with PICO-8
Browser Edition:
The free-to-play browser version contains one slots game to play.
Demo Edition:
A downloadable version of the free-to-play browser edition available for Windows, Linux, Mac, and Raspberry Pi.
Premium Edition:
Purchasing the game will grant access to standalone downloads for Linux, Mac, Windows and Raspberry Pi. The download versions unlock two additional slots to play, a "Classic" slots game and an "RPG-lite" slots game. Source code is not included.