Rescue Mission on Titan
You are the pilot of a rescue helicopter on a rescue mission on Saturn's moon, Titan. Shroom, a mysterious substance starts to take over the moon.
You have to decide how many people you save, but the Aerospace Mining Company stated that VIP personnel must be rescued.
Watch out when flying, don't bump too hard into surfaces and obstacles and don't linger too much in Shroom. You can use the helicopter's weapon to blow
holes in Shroom, but it will grow back.
On the very first screen you get a commodore 64 start screen. Don't worry, just start typing anything, it will autofill what has to be there. Otherwise, on start screen and story screen press ESCAPE to skip.
GUI: EXTRA LIVES HULL FUEL AMMO RESCUED PERSONNEL (RES: total number of people to rescue including those onboard VIP: number of VIP personnel to pick up)
If your helicopter's hull is damaged, blue suit engineers repair it before boarding.
If you start to run out of fuel, look for a fuel station.
If your ammo depletes, look for an ammo station.
I do know about a strange bug: the helicopter landing zone sometimes doesn't pops up the minicomputer. Should this happen, just fly up a bit and then land again...
Keys to play:
ARROW KEYS or W - A - S - D : fly around
R-CTRL, Num0 or L-CTRL, B : shoot
1,2,3... : select option on minicoputer
ESC : menu
P or Pause : pause/unpause game
Gamepad controls:
STICKS or DPAD : fly around
A or triggers : shoot
Y,X,A... : select option on minicoputer
Start : menu
Select : pause/unpause game
This is a prototype, nothing is really finished, there's only two levels, but still I found it fun enough so people can play with it for a little while. :)
All programming, graphic assets design and sounds were created by: László Eszik (Coyote)
Tester and corrector: Katalin Rédlinger (Allegra)
MUSIC: All musical numbers were provided by: László Vincze (Vincenzo)
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